Wednesday Part 2

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5 Responses to Wednesday Part 2

  1. Sue Porter says:

    Thanks very much for your blogs Mr Holmes! We really appreciate it & they have really made the trip come alive for us parents – not to mention they have brightened up my day – although pretty sure the residents of Twickenham now think they have a mad shop keeper who keeps bursting out laughing, for no apparent reason, from behind her counter! Enjoy the rest of the trip & safe journey home!

  2. Steve Rhodes says:

    Bravo Mr. Holmes for a great blog – I am always relieved at the end when neither Dominic or Andrew have been mentioned.

  3. Mr T says:

    So sad I’ve missed all that football… It sounds like a classic week, one that you’ll remember. We’re looking forward to seeing you all next week and hearing all about it.

  4. Melanie wassell says:

    You crack me up!

  5. Sian Pugh says:

    Mr Holmes – excellent blogging update. Thanks for keeping us up to date and hilariously informed. I didn’t think you were old enough to remember ‘retro’ desserts – you definitely fooled me! Haven’t unpacked Lewis’s bag yet so not convinced that I won’t find a sleeve yet!

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